The Cunipress System has been studied to apply in a reliable and economic way pipework’s for sea water brackish water and industrial water in the range of diameters from 15 up to 108.
The material is Coppernickel 90/10.
All these networks can be installed in your old networks (repair) changing only the part that has a problem, quickly easily and simply.
- Reliability of pipework also in severe service condition.
- Corrosion resistance.
- The specific material does not need permission for flame works and repairs in Marinas can also be carried out.
- The pipes are about 70% lightering weight, due to quick connection the working hours for the installation is reduced by 80%, therefore the total cost is reduced.
- Machinery sea water cooling
- Fire astinguishing and deck washing
- Sprinkler Systems
- Sea water desalination units
- Sea water systems
- Bilge and Ballast pipe systems